Viser nå: Belgia - Postfrimerker (1860 - 1869) - 47 frimerker.

1861 King Leopold I - Oval 17-17½mm High and 14-14½mm Wide

1. April VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Charles Baugniet Gravering: John Henri Robinson Perforering: Imperforated

[King Leopold I - Oval 17-17½mm High and 14-14½mm Wide, type B12]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
6A B11 10C - 189 8.64 - USD  Info
7A B12 20C - 432 8.64 - USD  Info
8A B13 40C - 432 86.44 - USD  Info
1861 King Leopold I

1. April VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Charles Baugniet Gravering: John Henri Robinson Perforering: Imperforated

[King Leopold I, type B10]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
9 B10 1C - 216 135 - USD  Info
1863 -1865 King Leopold I - Perforated

VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Charles Baugniet Gravering: John Henri Robinson Perforering: 14¼ x 14½

[King Leopold I - Perforated, type B15] [King Leopold I - Perforated, type B17] [King Leopold I - Perforated, type B19] [King Leopold I - Perforated, type B20] [King Leopold I - Perforated, type B22] [King Leopold I - Perforated, type B23]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
10 B14 1C - 54.02 43.22 - USD  Info
10A* B15 1C - 43.22 32.42 - USD  Info
10B* B16 1C - 216 86.44 - USD  Info
11 B17 10C - 86.44 2.70 - USD  Info
11A* B18 10C - 64.83 3.24 - USD  Info
11B* B19 10C - 270 5.40 - USD  Info
12 B20 20C - 86.44 2.70 - USD  Info
12A* B21 20C - 64.83 3.24 - USD  Info
12B* B22 20C - 270 5.40 - USD  Info
13 B23 40C - 432 27.01 - USD  Info
13A* B24 40C - 432 32.42 - USD  Info
13B* B25 40C - 1296 32.42 - USD  Info
10‑13 - 659 75.63 - USD 
1865 -1867 King Leopold I, 1790-1865

6. October VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 50 Gravering: F.Joubert de la Ferté Perforering: 14 - 15

[King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type C] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type C1] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type C2] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type C3] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type D] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type E] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type F] [King Leopold I, 1790-1865, type F1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
14 C 10C - 135 1.08 - USD  Info
14a* C1 10C - 135 1.08 - USD  Info
15 C2 20C - 189 1.08 - USD  Info
15a* C3 20C - 216 1.08 - USD  Info
16 D 30C - 432 12.97 - USD  Info
17 E 40C - 540 21.61 - USD  Info
18 F 1Fr - 1080 108 - USD  Info
18a* F1 1Fr - 1080 108 - USD  Info
14‑18 - 2377 144 - USD 
1866 -1867 Newspaper Stamps

VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 50 Design: J.Delpierre Gravering: N.Dargent Perforering: 14½ x 14

[Newspaper Stamps, type G] [Newspaper Stamps, type G1] [Newspaper Stamps, type G2] [Newspaper Stamps, type G3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
19 G 1C - 324 135 - USD  Info
20 G1 1C - 64.83 12.97 - USD  Info
21 G2 2C - 162 86.44 - USD  Info
22 G3 5C - 216 86.44 - USD  Info
19‑22 - 767 320 - USD 
1869 -1880 Definitive Issue

VM: Ingen Design: Henri Hendrickx Gravering: Albert Dooms Perforering: 15

[Definitive Issue, type H] [Definitive Issue, type H1] [Definitive Issue, type H2] [Definitive Issue, type H3] [Definitive Issue, type H5] [Definitive Issue, type H6]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
23 H 1C - 6.48 0.27 - USD  Info
23a* H1 1C - 8.64 0.54 - USD  Info
24 H2 2C - 21.61 0.81 - USD  Info
24a* H3 2C - 12.97 0.81 - USD  Info
25 H4 5C - 43.22 0.54 - USD  Info
25a* H5 5C - 43.22 0.54 - USD  Info
26 H6 8C - 64.83 64.83 - USD  Info
26a* H7 8C - 135 64.83 - USD  Info
23‑26 - 136 66.45 - USD 
1869 -1880 King Leopold II

VM: Ingen Arkstørrelse: 50 Design: Henri Hendrickx Gravering: Albert Doms Perforering: 14 and 15

[King Leopold II, type I] [King Leopold II, type I1] [King Leopold II, type J] [King Leopold II, type J1] [King Leopold II, type K] [King Leopold II, type L] [King Leopold II, type M] [King Leopold II, type N] [King Leopold II, type O] [King Leopold II, type P]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
27 I 10C - 16.21 0.27 - USD  Info
27a* I1 10C - 16.21 0.27 - USD  Info
28 J 20C - 86.44 0.54 - USD  Info
28a* J1 20C - 86.44 0.54 - USD  Info
29 K 25C - 135 1.08 - USD  Info
30 L 30C - 64.83 5.40 - USD  Info
31 M 40C - 86.44 5.40 - USD  Info
32 N 50C - 189 8.64 - USD  Info
33 O 1Fr - 270 16.21 - USD  Info
34 P 5Fr - 1296 1296 - USD  Info
34a* P1 5Fr - 4322 1296 - USD  Info
27‑34 - 2144 1334 - USD 


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